This class will help us develop a higher understanding of Ochos such as Parallel Ochos for both leaders and followers and adding musicality to our Ochos.
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Category: Tango Classes
In this class, we focus on linking counterclockwise turns in the rhythm of vals. But these turns could be used just as well in Tango.
Part 1: Follower's Forward Sacadas
Part 2: Follower's Forward Sacada with Leader's Faux Sacada
Part 1: Leader's Forward Sacadas
Part 2: Leader's Forward Sacadas
Musical Demo:
In this class, we look at the leader executing a forward sacada to her back cross step (back ocho) and then creating an alteration of her forward cross step into a back cross step.
During this series, we will examine the proper technique for leading and following Paradas (stops) and Pasadas (passovers).
Variations on the Ocho Cortado for intermediate dancers.